We Are "A Winner"


         Remembered a story of a teacher who was telling his students, the teacher tells the story of a student to another, named Ahmad told the children.
One day, Ahmad and his classmates are given the task by his teacher to tell her success story to the class along with the evidence or the facts of his success.

When the time came, one by one her classmates come forward to tell the story of his success. Various kinds of success stories they tell. Agus example, he told me "I've achieved success in junior high became the first champion in the quiz competition and this (holding up the trophy) as proof that I had won the quiz contest".
Hendra was not to be outdone, he advanced to the front of the class and began to tell his success by bringing an award plaque, "I never became a champion in the singing contest."
Various success story has been told by his friends, no one has the experience of being a master of ceremonies (MC), chairman of the student council, and the other holding the award as a sign of proof.

The interesting thing is that when the time came for Ahmad come forward to tell her success story. He had felt confused, since given the task to arrive a day gathering tasks. What to tell the class, said she thought, "I've never won any championships, but like it or not, I have to work on tasks that have been given and have to tell my success, and I want to tell a different success with my friends. '

Ahmad finally come to the front and began to talk loudly, "I was a very unusual, I've played with 250 million competitors, among the many rivals that I face, I am the winner."
Classmates who listened so amazed, there may be a time to think in his thoughts, "wahh .. hebaat .. what ya race, to compete with 250 million competitors?" or any other thoughts.
Ahmad also continued its success story, "as proof that I am a winner, I took the evidence and I will read in front of my friends on the occasion of this precious ...

that in Cianjur on ........ ========== eight March ... ========== Thousand nine hundred ninety ========== was born: Ahmad Prasetya ========== ========== The second child of the husband and wife ......... "

Classmates gave extraordinary applause, apparently Ahmad bring birth certificate as proof of success.
We Are "A Winner", Pada: 17.23


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