8 Steps to a Dream


When you begin to take action toward your goals and dreams, you must realize that not every action will be perfect. Not every action will produce something you want .. Not every action will work according to your dreams. Sometimes make mistakes, get almost right, and experiment to see what happens is part of the process to finally get it right, according to impian.Ada saying goes, failure is the beginning of kesuksesan.Tapi we need to remember that not mean that success must begin of failure.

It could be successful and achieve your dreams is the result of reflection, thought, until you do. Tips to achieve my goals and dreams:

1. Know your abilities and your goals. This is the very first step of achieving goals.
2. Focus on the goal. Focus is important to implement. If a farmer chasing chickens 2 tails at once, then no one ekorpun as he can. That he can just fatigue. Focus and concentration, perlangkah step towards that goal.
3. Continue to hone your talents. After concentration, the next is to hone what you have learned.
4. Dare to try something new. Do not be afraid to try. there must be a fall in trying it. But do not see how many fall, melaikan how much you can get up.
5. Persevere practice. People who are not smart, but learned, better than smart but not learning. Better yet, if you are smart and learn.
6. Learn from successful people. Of course if you aspire to be president, presidential figure as what you want. Find your ideal match
7. Pray and resignation always. In order to calm your life, pray.
8. Ask the prayers of the people we love, and all around us.
8 Steps to a Dream, Pada: 17.39


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